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Forget my Trust Wallet Password and PIN – How to reset, change and recover Trust Wallet Password and PIN

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Did you forget your Trust Wallet password and PIN? Read How to Reset, Change, and Recover Trust Wallet Password and PIN

Forgetting your Trust Wallet password and PIN can be a stressful situation, but don’t worry, there are steps you can take to reset, change, and recover your Trust Wallet password and PIN. 

In this article, we will guide you on how to regain access to your Trust Wallet.

How to Reset Your Trust Wallet Password and PIN

  • If you have forgotten your Trust Wallet password and PIN, the first step is to reinstall the app 
  • After reinstalling the app, you can recover your account using your 12-word recovery phrase
  • Once you have recovered your account, you can set a new password and PIN for your Trust Wallet 

How to Change Your Trust Wallet Password and PIN

  • To change your Trust Wallet password and PIN, you need to access the settings within the app
  • In the settings tab, look for the security options and find the option to change your password and PIN
  • Follow the prompts to set a new password and PIN for your Trust Wallet

How to Recover Your Trust Wallet Password and PIN

  • If you have lost access to your Trust Wallet entirely, there is little that can be done
  • However, if you still have access to your wallet, whether on the mobile application or through the browser, you can retrieve and rediscover your Trust Wallet recovery phrase 
  • The recovery phrase is a set of 12 or 24 random words that serve as the important means to access your wallet
  • If you have your recovery phrase, you can restore access to your wallet and recover your funds

Conclusion on Forget my Trust Wallet Password and PIN – How to reset, change and recover Trust Wallet Password and PIN

In this blog post, we have discussed the steps on how to reset, change, and recover your Trust Wallet password and PIN. 

However, while changing your password and PIN ensure to follow the recommended security practices to protect your account from unauthorized access. 

You can reach out to Trust Wallet customer support If you have any further questions or need assistance,

Also, if you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please feel free to leave them below. We would love to hear from you and help you out.

In addition, if you found this blog post useful, please share it with your friends, family, and colleagues who may benefit from it. You never know who may need this information.

Thank you for reading

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