Home Reviews Flutterwave vs Chipper Cash: Which is Better and Why?

Flutterwave vs Chipper Cash: Which is Better and Why?

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Flutterwave vs Chipper Cash: Which is Better and Why? Find out here.

Flutterwave and Chipper Cash are two of the most popular fintech platforms in Africa that offer cross-border payment solutions to their users. 

Both platforms have gained a lot of traction and trust among Africans who are looking for convenient and secure ways to send and receive money across different countries and currencies.

But which platform is better for you? How do they compare in terms of features, benefits, and drawbacks? 

In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive and unbiased comparison between Flutterwave vs Chipper Cash: Which is Better and Why?

By the end of this blog post, you should have a clear idea of which platform suits your needs and preferences better. Let’s get started!

Flutterwave vs Chipper Cash: Which is Better and Why?

1. Reach and Availability

One of the first factors to consider when choosing a cross-border payment platform is the reach and availability of the platform. 

This means how many countries and regions the platform covers, and how easy it is to access and use the platform.

Flutterwave has a wider reach and availability than Chipper Cash, as it operates in over 30 countries in Africa, Europe, and North America. 

It also supports over 150 currencies, including major ones like USD, EUR, GBP, and NGN. 

Flutterwave’s platform is accessible through its website, mobile app, and API, which allows users to integrate Flutterwave’s payment functionality into their websites or applications.

Chipper Cash has a more limited reach and availability than Flutterwave, as it currently operates in only 8 countries in Africa, namely Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, South Africa, and Zambia. 

It also supports fewer currencies than Flutterwave, mainly local currencies like NGN, GHS, KES, UGX, RWF, TZS, ZAR, and ZMW. 

Chipper Cash’s platform is accessible only through its mobile app, which requires users to download and install the app on their smartphones.

Therefore, if you need a platform with a wide reach and availability, Flutterwave may be a better option for you. 

If you are looking for a platform that focuses on a few African countries, Chipper Cash may be a better option for you.

2. Payment Methods and Currencies

Flutterwave vs Chipper Cash: Which is Better and Why?

Another factor to consider when choosing a cross-border payment platform is the payment methods and currencies that the platform supports. 

This means how many ways and options the platform offers to send and receive money, and how many currencies the platform can handle.

Flutterwave offers more payment methods and currencies than Chipper Cash, as it supports various payment methods such as cards, bank transfers, mobile money, and USSD. 

It also supports over 150 currencies, including major ones like USD, EUR, GBP, and NGN. 

Flutterwave’s platform allows users to send and receive money in different currencies, and also offers currency exchange services at competitive rates.

Chipper Cash offers fewer payment methods and currencies than Flutterwave, as it mainly supports mobile money as the primary payment method. 

It also supports fewer currencies than Flutterwave, mainly local currencies like NGN, GHS, KES, UGX, RWF, TZS, ZAR, and ZMW. 

Chipper Cash‘s platform allows users to send and receive money in the same currency and does not offer currency exchange services.

Therefore, if you need a platform with more payment methods and currencies, Flutterwave may be a better option for you. 

If you are looking for a platform that simplifies mobile money transfers, Chipper Cash may be a better option for you.

3. Fees and Charges

Flutterwave vs Chipper Cash: Which is Better and Why?

Another factor to consider when choosing a cross-border payment platform is the fees and charges that the platform imposes. 

This means how much the platform costs to use, and how transparent and fair the platform is in disclosing and applying its fees and charges.


Flutterwave has higher fees and charges than Chipper Cash, as it charges a percentage fee and a flat fee for each transaction, depending on the payment method and currency. 

It also charges a currency conversion fee for transactions involving different currencies. 

Flutterwave’s fees and charges vary depending on the country and region and are displayed on its website and app.

Chipper Cash has lower fees and charges than Flutterwave, as it does not charge any fees for sending and receiving money within the same country and currency. 

It also does not charge any fees for sending and receiving money across different countries and currencies, as long as the sender and receiver have verified accounts. 

Chipper Cash’s fees and charges are minimal and transparent and are clearly displayed on its app.

Therefore, if you need a platform with lower fees and charges, Chipper Cash may be a better option for you. 

If you are looking for a platform that offers more payment options and currencies, Flutterwave may be a better option for you.

4. Security and Customer Service

Flutterwave vs Chipper Cash: Which is Better and Why?

Another factor to consider when choosing a cross-border payment platform is the security and customer service that the platform provides. 

This means how safe and secure the platform is, and how responsive and helpful the platform is in addressing any issues or concerns that users may have.


Flutterwave has a strong security and customer service record, as it uses high-level encryption and security measures to protect user data and funds. 

It also complies with the regulations of the Central Bank of Nigeria and the Securities and Exchange Commission. 

Flutterwave has a responsive and helpful customer service team that can be contacted through various channels, such as email, phone, or social media.


Chipper Cash also has a strong security and customer service record, as it uses high-level encryption and security measures to protect user data and funds. 

It also complies with the regulations of the Central Bank of Nigeria and the Securities and Exchange Commission. 

Chipper Cash has a responsive and helpful customer service team that can be contacted through various channels, such as email, phone, or in-app chat.

Therefore, both platforms have a high level of security and customer service, and users can trust and rely on them for their cross-border payment needs.

Conclusion on Flutterwave vs Chipper Cash: Which is Better and Why?

Flutterwave and Chipper Cash are both excellent fintech platforms that offer cross-border payment solutions to their users. 

Both platforms have their strengths and weaknesses, and the best platform for you depends on your personal preferences and needs.

Flutterwave vs Chipper Cash: Which is Better and Why?

If you need a platform with a wide reach and availability, more payment methods and currencies, and more payment options and functionalities, then Flutterwave may be a better option for you.

If you are looking for a platform with lower fees and charges, simpler mobile money transfers, and fewer payment options and functionalities, then Chipper Cash may be a better option for you.

We hope you found this blog post useful and informative. 

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