Home How To How to Withdraw Money from Piggyvest Safelock Before the Due Date

How to Withdraw Money from Piggyvest Safelock Before the Due Date

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Have you ever locked your money in a PiggyVest Safelock and regretted it later when you needed the money urgently for an emergency? Here is how to withdraw money from Piggyvest safelock before the due date. 

In this blog post, we will explain what piggyvest safelock is, how it works, and how to withdraw money from it before the due date easily. 

We will also share some tips and tricks on how to make the most of this feature and achieve your financial goals.

First of all, 

What is Piggyvest Safelock?

Piggyvest safelock is a savings feature within the Piggyvest platform that allows you to lock away your money for a specified period. It is primarily designed to encourage disciplined saving and discourage impulsive withdrawals.

Depending on what you prefer, with piggyvest safelock feature, you can choose a lock-in period for your funds, which can range from 10 to 1000 days.

When you activate safelock, you agree not to withdraw the funds until the specified lock-in period elapses. 

However, if you have decided to break the safelock and withdraw your funds, keep reading for the step-by-step guide on how to do it before the due date easily.

How to Withdraw Money from Piggyvest Safelock Before the Due Date

No matter your reasons for forcing withdrawals, follow this simple procedure:

  • Firstly log in to your Piggyvest app.
  • On your Piggvest dashboard, click on the “Safelock” button.
  • Next is to tap “Withdraw”.
  • Finally, you can confirm it.

Tips on How to Use Piggyvest Safelock Effectively

Here are some tips and tricks on how to use piggyvest safelock effectively:

  • Choose a suitable lock-in period: The longer your lock-in period, the higher your interest rate will be. However, make sure that your lock-in period is realistic and achievable for your financial goals.
  • Take advantage of auto-renewal: By default, piggyvest safelock is set to auto-renew, which means that you can benefit from compound interest and continuous saving without having to worry about missing any deadlines.
  • Be flexible and prepared: While piggyvest safelock does not penalize you for terminating the lock-in period before the agreed-upon time, you should note that you will not earn any interest if you terminate early. 

Therefore, be flexible and prepared for any unforeseen circumstances or emergencies that may arise.

Conclusion on How to Withdraw Money from Piggyvest Safelock Before the Due Date

Piggyvest safelock is a great feature that can help you save money in a disciplined and secure way. 

It can help you avoid impulsive withdrawals and earn higher interest rates. It can also help you have the flexibility to withdraw your funds before the due date without any penalty.

In this blog post we have shown you how to withdraw money from Piggyvest safelock before the due date. 

I hope you found this blog post helpful and informative. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. 

I would love to hear from you and learn from your experience. Thank you for reading!

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